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#1 29-11-2023 19:02:11

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2014
Messages: 8

No Fashion show?

Sarah please help

The fashion show is not working on the US site. Please correct as we are losing voting days
Thank you

#2 01-12-2023 17:06:24

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 32620
Site web

Re: No Fashion show?

Hello Jenzea

It's a bit strange but normally this display happens if a fashion show has no entries.

Are you sure that players have validated their entries for this fashion show?

#3 05-12-2023 21:09:14

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2014
Messages: 8

Re: No Fashion show?

sarah a écrit:

Hello Jenzea

It's a bit strange but normally this display happens if a fashion show has no entries.

Are you sure that players have validated their entries for this fashion show?

Sarah, thank you for answering.

Yes I was registered there under jenzg11. I have accounts on both servers. I'm sorry but I no longer have the outfit saved. A friend there sad they voted for one of the "squares" that was showing. But still nothing came of it. Wasn't there anyone else registered too?


#4 06-12-2023 15:59:42

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 32620
Site web

Re: No Fashion show?

Strange... The catwalk indicated that there were no entries for the show, which closed on Monday.

Maybe there's a blockage if there aren't enough entries in a parade, maybe it can't run properly if there are fewer than 3 entries.

I'll check with the technical team.

#5 06-12-2023 17:47:00

Dollz à temps plein
Date d'inscription: 2011
Messages: 185

Re: No Fashion show?

sarah a écrit:

Strange... The catwalk indicated that there were no entries for the show, which closed on Monday.

Maybe there's a blockage if there aren't enough entries in a parade, maybe it can't run properly if there are fewer than 3 entries.

I'll check with the technical team.

La dernière fois que ma poupée est entrée au défilé de mode sur le serveur américain, c'était le 2 janvier 2023. J'étais la seule poupée à avoir participé. Il n'y avait que moi et les bracelets en or. Naturellement, j’ai gagné puisqu’il n’y en avait pas d’autres. Je ne veux pas me vanter, mais mon entrée avait l'air plutôt bonne. C'est toujours ce que je porte dans mon loft, à l'exception du retrait de toutes les paillettes, éclats et extras. Ainsi, lors de ce défilé de mode, j'ai découvert qu'il était possible de n'avoir qu'une seule entrée et que le défilé de mode continue. Et c'est moi qui avais voté pour l'un des bracelets en or la semaine dernière auquel Jenzea (Jenzg11 sur le serveur américain) fait référence et quand j'ai essayé de voter pour un deuxième bracelet, j'ai reçu le message qui disait : "vous avez j'ai déjà voté pour cette poupée."

In English:

The last time my doll entered the Fashion show on the US server, was in January 2 2023.  I was the only doll that had entered.  It was only me and the gold bracelets.  Naturally, I won since there were no others.  Not to 'toot my own horn,' but my entry looked pretty good. It's still what I have on in my loft, with the exception of taking off all the glitter and bursts and extras. So from that Fashion show, I found out that it is possible to have only 1 entry and have the fashion show go on.  And it was me who had voted for one of the gold bracelets this past week that  Jenzea (Jenzg11 on the US Server) is referring to and when I tried to vote for a second bracelet, I got the message that said: "you've already voted for this doll."

Dernière modification par sierradane (06-12-2023 17:50:27)
F r e n c h Server

#6 06-12-2023 18:31:26

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 32620
Site web

Re: No Fashion show?

Thank you for these clarifications. It's normal that it's not possible to vote more than once for the gold bracelets because it's considered to be the "same player".

@ Jenzg11 : Are you sure you had your entry validated for the parade, that you were indeed registered?

#7 06-12-2023 20:11:06

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2014
Messages: 8

Re: No Fashion show?

sarah a écrit:

Thank you for these clarifications. It's normal that it's not possible to vote more than once for the gold bracelets because it's considered to be the "same player".

@ Jenzg11 : Are you sure you had your entry validated for the parade, that you were indeed registered?

Yes I'm sure, as I worked on it for sure a long time. The the message came up that I had registered.  Same kind of thing happed with the loft show last time. Finally it said I was registered and took a snap shot of a loft that was all messed up not at all what the final result was. I only recognized it by the background.

Example of only one entry:

The new Miss OhMyLoft!
Posted on 11/13/2023 by Feerik

Are you looking in to this further. What was the rankings,, ?

Thank you

Dernière modification par jenzea (17-12-2023 09:39:58)


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