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#1 22-10-2023 20:16:49

Dollz à temps partiel
Date d'inscription: 2014
Messages: 58

Extension of the quête Halloween de 2016

Good evening, I am Calogerina on the Italian site, I just finished there the quête Halloween 2016, unfortunately I did not recieve the extension. Can you please provide? Thankyou in advance.

#2 22-10-2023 21:48:41

Bourgmestre d'Aarnel [Modératrice]
Date d'inscription: 2008
Messages: 6033

Re: Extension of the quête Halloween de 2016

Good evening

Did you already have the Halloween room before completing the replay this week ?
If not, then you gained the room, and you may get the extension the next time you complete this replay or another event which offers the same room ^^
Also, the extension is only available if you complete both ends of the replay, so if you only did one, you will not get it.

Good night


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