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#1 09-10-2023 15:53:14

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Sorry if this is the wrong area but I was trying to find the right area.

There is a big problem in the German game.

Unfortunately, there are no active moderators in the German game anymore and we players would like to change something so that we can replace the old ones and integrate new ones and ensure law and order again.
We need this very urgently because we have a bigger problem right now.

There is a player who found a way to outsmart the system and have several of her dolls register for competitions and also vote for her own dolls. It is very noticeable that her vote Doll is always in first place and her dolls alternately share second and third place. And all other dolls who are fair and are only registered with one doll and do not vote for themselves get significantly fewer votes than the winners. The votes are also unrealistic because their dolls always have almost three times the votes from places 4 down. While third place currently received 81 votes, fourth place only received 37 votes, which was more realistic in previous shows because so many Dolls no longer vote. But the fact that one gets almost 100 votes, which was the case at the last fashion show, is unrealistic.

We've noticed this three times in a row and it will continue like this if we don't stop it.

That's why it would be good if we had moderators again who made sure in advance that no Votedolls took part and that there were no more than one. There would certainly be 2-3 or even more volunteers who would do the post and ensure more fun and joy.

It would be good if you could do something about it.

Otherwise, you should consider if it is not possible to skip the special fashion show in the German game, such as. most recently in the fashion show where you could win VIP status, even if it would be sad and angry for the honest dolls, but currently only the same doll with her side dolls would win anyway and it would be more than unfair with the special prizes , when she gets everything and the honest ones are punished because one of them thinks she can cheat using unfair means.

P.S. It's a nice game even when it's a little quieter and it's more than a shame if other people are scared away by such actions, especially since it can happen in other countries too.

Dernière modification par harleyquinn0 (09-10-2023 15:59:40)

#2 09-10-2023 18:47:20

Bourgmestre d'Aarnel [Modératrice]
Date d'inscription: 2008
Messages: 6033

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?


This issue has been escalated to the team which will look into it when they get the time. If there is indeed cheating involved, the player will probably get a warning, or ban if they don't stop.

In the meantime, I hope you can still enjoy the Fashion Shows to look at each other's creations and encourage honnest players and creators!

Have a nice day!


#3 09-10-2023 19:11:04

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Thank you for the fast answer. It would be nice if this problem could be solved and everyone could take part in the competitions again without any worries. Keep your fingers crossed for a good result.

Wish you a nice day too.


#4 11-10-2023 16:21:49

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

c'est la même chose avec l'OML.
Si ce joueur participe elle gagne souvent avec l'une de ses nombreuses poupées.
Même si tu ne peux rien voir du OML.

#5 11-10-2023 16:47:50

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

On July 17, 2023, she started voting for herself because the votes went up astonishingly. And from then on she became 1st with one of her dolls. And at the beginning other dolls also got on the podium, but from August 28th, 2023 only she was on the podium.

These entries make it easy to see, especially if you know which dolls belong to her. If necessary, you can name her dolls who are known and where there is a strong suspicion that he belongs to her, especially from the profiles you can easily see which doll still belongs to her.


#6 11-10-2023 20:10:14

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2016
Messages: 5

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

We (some German Users) also wrote about this problem in the German Forum. Therefore, there are some information and assumptions, which might be interesting.


#7 20-11-2023 20:38:42

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

I wanted to ask if something was being done, because she still does it, taking part with several Dollz and then letting them win, and it's very frustrating that one player controls the competition and others lose the fun of it.


#8 04-01-2024 14:39:00

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Bonjour et bonne année à tous
Ce serait très bien si vous pouviez jeter un œil à ce sujet ou arrêter complètement
le défilé Loft.

Dernière modification par darkspirit (04-01-2024 14:39:20)

#9 04-01-2024 22:38:30

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

C'est exactement ce que je voulais écrire. On voit désormais clairement qu'elle est de retour avec plusieurs poupées. Elle ne peut pas non plus prétendre que ce n'est pas elle et que les deux sont d'autres personnes, que les poupées vous appartiennent. Vous pouvez également voir dans sa description que c'est 1:1, qu'elle vient d'une seule personne et qu'elle vote aussi pour elle-même. À la fin du Loft Show, vous verrez qu'elle a bien plus de voix que la seule poupée qui est vraiment seule et qui joue équitablement.
Et ce n’est pas la première fois qu’une telle chose se produit et cela se reproduira encore et encore si vous ne l’arrêtez pas !

S'il vous plaît, faites quelque chose à ce sujet. Même si seulement quelques personnes participent, au moins c'est plus juste. Et il ne faut pas non plus qu'une seule personne participe avec plusieurs poupées et enlève le plaisir aux autres qui jouent équitablement. Parce que c'est aussi une raison pour laquelle certaines personnes ne participent plus, car elles savent qu'elles trichent. Parce qu'elle assure elle-même qu'elle est en 1ère + 2ème place et heureusement la 3ème place revient à l'autre poupée avec beaucoup moins de voix que la 1ère + 2ème place ! Ce n'est pas juste!

Dernière modification par harleyquinn0 (04-01-2024 22:42:59)


#10 05-01-2024 12:12:33

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Nous sommes 3 (elle avec 2 et moi) à participer au concours
et j'ai déjà 124 votes (vendredi).
Même en FR, où il y a beaucoup plus de participants, personne n'a autant de voix à la fin (lundi) que moi actuellement à la 3ème place.

#11 08-01-2024 14:05:44

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Jetez un oeil aux votes:
Miss OhMyLoft :          352 votes
Première dauphine:    338 votes
Deuxième dauphine :  280 votes

280 votes c'est beaucoup mais 325

Nous sommes beaucoup moins nombreux en DE qu'en FR. Mais nous avons beaucoup plus de votes Je ne peux pas imaginer ça.

Pour obtenir les votes, vous avez besoin de quelques Dollz par jour. Ceux qui votent du mardi au lundi matin.

Ce sont des votes dont je me souviens encore lorsque j'ai commencé ici en 2010 DE. Mais maintenant, ce n'est possible qu'en trichant, je pense.

Dernière modification par darkspirit (08-01-2024 14:08:49)

#12 08-01-2024 14:18:14

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Now you can see very clearly how “fair” things are at the Ohmyloftshow in Germany and that the French game is more fair and the differences in votes are also more normal than they are here.

Germany and only 3 participants:

1st place: 352 votes

2nd place: 338 votes

3rd place: 280 votes

France and 8 participants:

1st place: 125 votes

2nd place: 124 votes

3rd place: 119 votes

In the German game, the winner has almost as many votes as in the French game, all three places combined!


#13 08-01-2024 22:18:38

Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 169

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

C'est certainement de la triche. Le joueur en question doit utiliser une faille qui avait déjà été exploitée il y a plusieurs années sur le serveur FR, et dont j'avais entendu parler. Je pensais que cela avait été corrigé depuis. Il faudrait essayer pour savoir..

Dernière modification par f0609 (08-01-2024 22:19:49)

#14 09-01-2024 10:05:14

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

alors cela n'a probablement été corrigé qu'en FR
Ce serait formidable si cela se faisait également en DE
Avec ça, nous pourrions à nouveau jouer normalement.

#15 16-01-2024 19:10:04

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Is the problem being worked on? Because right now at the new fashion show, the person who does it all the time will take part again with several Dollz and unfortunately they will of course be in place 1-3 and the others may or may not get the rest if she takes part with everyone that she has.
Because at the last show she took first place again.


#16 24-01-2024 11:36:30

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?


très triste que personne ne soit là pour résoudre notre problème 
Cette semaine elle en a même inscrit 4 dollz, puisque les 4 premiers peuvent gagner quelque chose.
Une porte même un ensemble complet, ce qui est d'ailleursens interdit, si je me souviens bien.

Si vous ne souhaitez pas de nouveau modérateur pour le jeu allemand, pourriez-vous peut-être engager un modérateur français pour le faire ?

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne journée

Cordialement les joueurs allemands

Dernière modification par darkspirit (24-01-2024 11:39:06)

#17 27-01-2024 19:31:08

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

It would be really good if you did something about it. Because now you can see what I've been saying all along: If there's a special fashion show, exactly the number of Dollz who get the main prizes will take part in it.
Now several Dollz have been taking part again for a long time and it's even more noticeable that exactly the ones who aren't the prettiest win (and they're also the usual Dollz) and they're all from the same person. At least 4 out of 9 Dollz belong to one person and of course they will win big!
And now the main prizes are just longer opening hours for the shops, what would that be like if it were about VIP. If places 1-10 got something, that person would take part with exactly 10 Dollz so that all of their figures would get the winnings and the rest of the honest players would come away empty-handed!


#18 29-01-2024 15:40:49

Dollz à temps plein
Lieu: † 666 † DarkCastle †
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 286

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Comme prévu, elle a pris la 1ère-4ème place.
Très triste

Edit: tous les participants:

et ma doll:

Dernière modification par darkspirit (29-01-2024 17:04:19)

#19 30-01-2024 14:56:56

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2016
Messages: 5

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Honestly, it's too bad seeing nobody (who can) do anything to end the misbehaving of a player. We are not many players on the german server but most of them play fair, have nice creations for the Show but these creations cannot be appreciated because of one(!) player who doesn't play fair and seems not even feel bad about it.


#20 26-02-2024 10:33:46

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Is something being done about the problem? Or do we have to watch helplessly as they allow her to continue doing this without consequences? That she does this every week? Because she has places 1-3 again! receive.


#21 04-03-2024 14:41:51

Dollz Newbie
Date d'inscription: 2019
Messages: 36

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

I took a look at all the former winners and was able to find 3 competitions in which the doll in question won with her Votedollz or once even only with her Votedollz.
Place 1+2 (and that was just over a month ago) (Main Doll + Vote Doll) with places 3+4 also being theirs. … t/?lang=de

Place 1+2 (main doll + vote doll) … t/?lang=de

Place 1+2+3 (all three Votedollz) … t/?lang=de

And all the other Dollz with the many little voices also belong to her and are her side Dollz with whom she is only in the competitions and getting votes. Because it's mainly always the same Dollz and occasionally someone else, probably just because the others were banned from taking part because they took 1st place. Because otherwise she usually always had so many Dollz with her that she got the first three places, or in the last competition with the special prizes for places 1-4, she had exactly 4 Dollz with her, and of course all 4 of them won! And that's how it would be if there were other special shows, because in the past it was like that, but it was mainly their sideshows.

Dernière modification par harleyquinn0 (04-03-2024 14:43:37)


#22 04-03-2024 18:14:37

Poussin de la Modération - Styliste
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 13803
Site web

Re: What can we do to get moderators & prevent cheating on the show?

Hello everyone!

The team has been noticed about this issue and has looked into it.

It is not forbidden to register for a Show with several accounts so on this matter the player is not breaking any rules.

As for the cheating suspicion, it is hard to say for sure what is going on.
The votes to dollz ratio on the Show is unusual, but it concerns every registered creations and not just the ones from this player.

The team can't say for sure if they are indeed cheating, because their dollz are not the only ones with a higher vote counts, even if they end up often in the top of the ranking. They are  keeping an eye on the situation but nothing can be done for now. We are sorry to bring bad news, but we hope you can still register and enjoy other dollz you find more worthy of your votes and attention.

Have a nice day!


Bonjour !

L'équipe est au courant de ce problème et a déjà jeté un œil dessus.

Ce n'est pas interdit de s'inscrire à un défilé avec plusieurs compte, donc la joueuse n'enfreint aucune règle de ce côté là.

Pour les suspicions de triche, c'est difficile de dire ce qu'il en est vraiment. Le ratio des votes est inhabituel mais il concerne toutes les créations enregistrées, pas seulement celles de cette joueuse.

L'équipe ne peut pas savoir avec certitude s'il s'agit effectivement de triche parce que ses dollz ne sont pas les seules avec un grand nombre de votes, même si elle finit souvent dans les premières. L'équipe garde un œil sur la situation, mais rien ne peut être fait pour le moment. Nous sommes désolées de vos apporter des mauvaises nouvelles mais nous espérons que vous continuerez à vous inscrire et voter pour les dollz qui selon vous méritent votre attention.

Bonne journée !


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