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Bonjour Eleanor-fiction, le projet de...
11/05/2024 18:38:09

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eleanor-fiction has 17 goodness points.

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Eleanor Idlewood/Pan/Enby/Queer/Bipolar/Anxious Bitch/famous Music Producer 

I miss u fellaaaaaaaaaaas I feel better rn but not ready to see one of my trigger every fu.ckin' day

Smash The patriarchy right now,I Hate when these stupid men choose for my own body

Im a Motherfu**in' Star

Anyway i'm a Barista,I Worked 3 years for the mermaid,now i'm working for the M and in fex years open my own Coffee shop,it will be a Vegan one,because we need it. I Can't be Vegan or even vegetarian because of my Eating Disorder aka AFRID but I Enjoyed coconut milk so much,trust me a Pumpkin Spice latte Coco Milk is such a good thing .

Anyway iI Was in New York last October it was such a great trip,next one is Berlin in April can't wait because I Miss Berlin so much.

Just a pic of me a Sad Goth enjoying an iced Pumkin Spice Latte at Brookfield Place in New York.can't wait to come back,probably next year.

Idlewood in New York

                                                                     Alien Gay Boi lol

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