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~Thank you for your votes~! Wishing you a wonderful weekend~! xoxoxo~
19/04/2024 � 17:26:26
~It's that time of year again. 4 years ago this Saturday, my son, Ben went to heaven. He was 42. His birthday is 25 and he'd be 46. I miss him! Cook iesez~
18/04/2024 � 16:37:49
Today storms are coming in with high winds, hail, possible tornado sightings. Then the temps are going to go down a little. Nice weather is over for now. It was great. : )
17/04/2024 � 17:39:09
Beautiful day. Tomorrow calling for rain .... ~Monday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
16/04/2024 � 21:58:14
~It got up to 83 degrees today but still very windy~! Sunday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
15/04/2024 � 17:09:14
You're such a sweetheart! ~We had a beautiful sunny Saturday. A bit chilly because it was windy. 60 degrees But it was S U N N Y~! lol And the sun makes me happy~! Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
14/04/2024 � 18:06:47
Starting off with a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Husband is going to go out and mow while I finish up here. Later we'll go out for a spring drive. Maybe get an ice cream cone. : )
13/04/2024 � 18:13:35
Hoping you have a nice weekend~!! xoxoxo
12/04/2024 � 17:16:30
~We Iive in the path of the totality of the eclipse. It was an amazing experience to see. So I glad I could be a part of it with my family as we watched it from our deck! Cook iesez~
10/04/2024 � 18:11:37
~Sorry for the missing votes the last couple days. We had family staying since Saturday. They left today after the eclipse around 6:00 (It was amazing) Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~