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~Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you're left only with what you love, with what's necessary, with what makes you happy. Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
18/09/2024 à 17:42:56
~Why did the baby cook ie cry? Because it's mother was a wafer so long! Saturday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
15/09/2024 à 03:52:22
~Friday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
14/09/2024 à 04:00:44
+2 rendu ma toute belle xxx
14/09/2024 à 01:41:22
+2 rendu :) Bon week-end
13/09/2024 à 23:42:29
~Why was the snake coughing so much? He had a frog in his throat! Thursday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
13/09/2024 à 03:57:39
~What did the one pickle say to the other pickle when it didn't get it's own way? Dill with it! Wednesday night votes with warm hugz from Cook iesez~
12/09/2024 à 04:11:54
~What do you call bees that are best friends? Two bees in a pod! Tuesday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
11/09/2024 à 03:34:14
~How did the french fry propose to the hamburger? He gave her an onion ring! Monday night football votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~