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liaou3256 has 4 goodness points.

Video Game Developer

                Hi boo! 

So here's a quick presentation of the human being that keeps playing this game although they are way too old for that!

I love Kylie Jenner (the Kardashian/Jenner in general), Yolandi Visser, Ninja, DJ HiTek, Stupeflip, MisterV, Uglyworldwide, Kelsey Simone, Okaysage, Carli Bybel, One Direction, Melanie Martinez, Cannibal Corpse and classic dance. The only thing that doesn't make me a typical teenager, is that I adore Die Antwoord. ZEF TO DEATH!

I'm a lil lightskin gurl yk what im schayin, my dad is Latino and my mama is black.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « tumblr bright beach »

As you can see, Im currently in love with this beach. and guess whaaaaat? It's done! I need to move on to another room lmao xD

 Résultats de recherche d'images pour « tumblr beach »



I GIVE BACK ALL THE +2! :3 Just mention it!

Idk why people talks about their room or their dolls and stuff bc like,  it don't matter to me. :) So yea, not goin to make one! Just look at my rooms if they interests you, and do your thang, idc bout votes, rooms, or dolls or whatsoeva... I just hope my rooms looks cool to you!

My presentations are A L W A Y S connnected with the room I currently adore. Hope you like it! Cuz I fckn do!


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « tumblr bright beach »

Me me me me me :P

Well you know, there's nothing much... Im a ballet! It's my passion until I had to stop bc of my anorexia . I'm a normal teenager so I switch styles A LOT. I live with my mom at Bora Bora, god bless! I fighted for so long for this! Probably why Im focused on this beach lol. Im part of the LGBTQ+ community and I support: Trans rights, black lives matter, and all of my beautiful people rights. I'm an angry supporter of BLM, so don't try me on dis one.

I don't rlly categorize myself as gay, bi, straight, etc... Alldat is a lil too much for me, I like to go with the flow and not ask myself in which box I belong. (NB: It's okay to be confused or just not wanting to be classed in a box of genders or ***uality! It's also okay if you categorize urself as gay, bi or whatever u want! You do you boo!) Gonna be honest, I'm tryna be confident cuz I have an eating disorder. Fighting against anorexia, bulimia and body dysmorphia is really hard. Here is a list of people that love you and that will help you. You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful. These are for people who lives in France. Guess it works if your land is a french land.

Suicide: 01 45 39 40 00

Depression: 01 40 47 95 95

Teen's health: 0800 235 236

Child-parents problems: 01 43 46 00 62



There you go. I hope you're safe. Drink, eat and take your meds. Remember that there's always something good that is going to happen. ALWAYS. Look boo: One year ago, I was about to commit suicide, now I'm here, and everything I've ever wished for has been accomplished? Oh yeah, people tell you it's impossible? Lol fuck them, nothing is impossible, everything takes time and hard work. Life will make you happy, but first, it'll make you strong.



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جيل جنس مدينة دول
25 سنة إمرأة آخر
النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
Kelsey Simone/JB/Yasmeen Nicole Any MCR song/Die Antwoord/Metal Moonlight Asian food
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة
Black and white Lawyer in enterprises Riverdale Ballet/Working out

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