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jiji223 has 3 goodness points.

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Bnvole Volunteer.


Je m'ennuie tellement. ;-; Oi, quelqu'un vient me parler . . . *soupir* Oh, si quelqu'un veut faire un random rp, j'peux. N'IMPORTE KWAA.

~ De la part de la plus folleuh des licorneuh 8DFacebook's Rainbow, la reine des otakus *^*Crown emoticon, une fille qui veut juste qu'on l'apprcie :'cavec un cerveau de kaka'3'.

(Oui, elle est drogue. o^OPill emoticon)

Ah pis si vous pouvez pas lire, JUSTE SOULIGNEZ LE TEXTE AVEC VOTRE SOURIS MDR !

So umm... Hi ! I'm pretty awkward and shy at first but the more we talk the more I reveal my personality of a crazy bitch. <3 I'm brutally honest but I try to see the good in others, jealous but I'm only lonely, selfish but I appreciate everything you've done for me, a pessimist but that's so I don't have any expectations anymore, sarcastic but sometimes people don't get it and rude but caring. My worst fear is that everyone I hold dear leaves me, and I get attached easily, sometimes I wish I was more cold or not have memories because that is what caused me depression: Friendship. I had to suffer in silence. Well, let's talk about other shit since no one gives a damn about my feelings even if I was screaming, like I realized before...My favorite singers are Taylor Swift (pop), Hyuna (kpop), Tove Lo and Melanie Martinez (both indie pop). I also like Panic! At the disco. and Lana Del Rey~ I also adore EDM. I like kpop but I don't listen to it that much compared to OST which is anime soundtracks. Btw Mingyu from Seven.teen is hawt af. Music sooths my soul that is pitch black but with a faint light. My favorite colors: b&w, pastels, pourpre and turquoise. Religion, a personal opinion, but I'm atheist. I respect other people's beliefs but please don't push me to believe in God or Allah or I will burn in hell and shit. There's something that confuses myself, I do believe in karma and good and bad spirits. Meaning: I believe that if you're a bitch, life will be a bitch to you. And I believe in people getting possessed. That's what confuses me because I do not believe in God and miracles, I believe in science but at the same time I believe in evil things and balance in the world. And religion has lots of fucked up demands: Not eat meat, God wants you to be weak I guess. No gays, what's wrong with them and loving who we want ? We are all human before race and gender. (btw yaoi > yuri, gomen.) (yaoi is love, yaoi is life XDD) (and it's yah-oh-ee/ya-oi, like you know how british people say 'oi'? Yeah that, so it's not yah-wee, japanese people say the syllables, they don't really co.nnect them, idk if you get it but anyway that is the correct way to say it) People think God exists and will save you when you're in trouble but do some research on the history of humanity where COUNTLESS people have lost their lives. Where was their God then ? And all that religion does is cause conflict leading to war eventually. Ahemnazisahem. I still laugh about nazi and Hitler related memes on the internet rofl. If I ever had a religion, it would be ANIME (or manga). It. Is. My. Fucking. Life. I WORSHIP IT. I'm in love with Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuji) & Soushi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS). Let's talk about their anime: Normally I like the anime more than manga but for Kuroshitsuji, the anime is utter shit BUT the manga is perfection. If you wish to see the anime, I highly, HIGHLY, recommend you skip to Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus then continue to Book of Murder. Now for Inu x Boku SS, I ADORE Ririchiyo and her character, I have not read the manga yet but am about too. Then I will compare the anime and manga. EDIT: Sooooooo I read it, and like Kuroshitsuji, MANGA IS BETTER THAN THE ANIME. I love guys first that are seksi, gentlemen, but can be savage and intense, or cute but still seksi, dunno if you understand but that's what make me weak in the knees >///< So what kind of anime do I prefer ? I don't really have a favorite, I love it ALL. Psychology, mystery, horror, comedy, romance, action, etc. I'm an introvert otaku shut-in. Yeah right I'm not. I WISH I WAS THOUGH lel. I'm not a foodie, I don't like trying new foods. But I like pizza, meat, chips, nuts, fries, dry ramen, ho.t chocolate with marshmallowz, popcorn and CHOCOLATE. Now, I would call myself a junk foodie, but I don't eat candy like sour, lollipops, cotton candy, jawbreakers, twizzlers, so basically 90% of normal candy. And candy is like at the top of the pyramid of junk food so if I hate that then I don't feel like I truly am a junk foodie. '^' My fave holiday OF ALL TIME is Halloween, I like Christmas a bit because it's fun, there's snow and we're at home instead of school/hell but otherwise meh. But this year, I feel like every holiday is dead, I really wasn't feeling scary or jolly. I read somewhere on Facebook a guy who's little sister said that maybe the world did end on 2012, not in an apocalypse but holidays aren't the same anymore. I kinda believe in that theory, kinda, because for me 2013 and 14 was still fun. Changing subject, I'm often on Kissanime, Youtube, Ohmydollz or Facebook when I'm on the compu.ter. Also on Youtube I go a lot on Buzzfeed's channel and Eugene is perfection. I love drawing and singing. For clothes, I like gothic lolita even if I don't dress like that, perhaps in the future I could cosplay like that. I really wish I could be a model because I don't mean to be conceited or narcissistic but I'm a 10 if I lose my little muffin top and (3-4) pimples and if my boobs grow because so far I'm an A cup. I mean tbh I'm skinny so even if I put on a shirt we don't see my lumps (oh my glob XDD) (adventure time reference) unless it's a tight shirt. In the future, I hope I'll be instafamous or youtube famous. In the case that I won't be one (and I most likely won't be a mangaka or famous singer either) instead I'll be a pastry chef or "patissire" in french, last hope. Because I love sweets, eating and making them. But even still, probably not, because it's mostly machines now who do the work :/ I love the languages Latin and Japanese and I wish I could visit Japan (NATURE AND TECHNOLOGY), Italy (The museams, ride a gondola, lots of things because over there it's kinda antique with lots of old things over there) (I love history) and Paris (welllll only for the Eiffel Tower). I really love the unknown, fiction, imaginary and crazy things: Unicorns, Alice in Wonderland, spirits (if they're nice), aliens (same thing). If Wonderland existed though, I would never leave it for a second... And if Kuroshitsuji world existed too. Well it's inspired by the 19th century in reality so I could always time travel there instead, oh wait. Right, I don't have any magic powers. If I did, without a doubt I'd choose to control time. To fix mistakes and regrets and discover the past. I'm a Tumblr freak, I love Cards against Humanity and Creepypasta. I think those three things alone are enough to describe me. I'm also a BIGGGGG pervert (teehee). Well, you know I might like weird shit, and be a sadistic bitch at times (I even take it out on my cat, sorryyyyyyyy kitty :'c but half of the time it be his fault as well), but I'm still a cute scaredy-cat little girl who likes hugs and plushies, gnu~ :'3 Hahahah when I meet people here, I'm definitely never the age they think I might be and I always laugh at their guesses. I'm young but mature (can also be immature if I want to) and I can actually write. And IRL I swear so fucking much you have no clue. Oh shit... I've been writing completely in English. Don't worry I speak French too ! It's just that I love English and Japanese hella more ~ I know how to speak English (expert level) (learned by the tv and then the compu.ter, French (I'm Canadian, in Montreal so I've always been in a french school) (I'm now in secondary), Vietnamese (my mother tongue that I'm awful at, I only know how to speak not write and even when speaking I don't know everything) and Japanese (I understand romaji which is the pronunciation in the alphabet that we know but not kanji which is writing in japanese letters/characters) (learned by anime hihi). I use lots of emoticons when I talk. (:) :3 ^^ x) xD c:) I like designing things on the compu.ter because of Ohmydollz. And yeah I have no idea what to say anymore so just come talk to meh I'm EXTREMELY BORED. And I don't bite :3 (I don't have any nutella anymore sadly and blood and meat is kinda hard to eat without it) (I'm a cannibal Ouo). If someone REALLY manages to read all of this, viens mp, je te donne 10 calinouz et 10 kookies x')) <3

...ALL QUESS T'ATTEN, CUM (pun intended) (didn't I tell you I'm a pervert see ? ;)), I AWAIT UUU

| Textouz for the best people♥ |

Link ou le plus fou licorne :')

Tu rappelles quand tu m'nervais chaque jour avec cette wtf chanson ?! XDDD "J'aime les licornes et leur jolies cornes 8D, elles ont un pelage semblable aux nuages, elles sont si gentilles avec leurs amis :3, mme si elles pratiquent la S O D M I E." C'EST QUOI CE MERDE O3o ! Hwhwhw on est toujours des cawns (des cxns xD) quand on se parle en mp et derrire l'cran je ris fort !!! XDDD (pi comme une VACHE, jte jure demande Muki :')) Ahhhh l on a commenc parler moins cause du L'ENFER qu'on vit chaque jour ;~;, aussi connu sous le nom "l'cole". C'EST DU CHILD ABUSE. x_x Ah uiii j'ai vu quelque part a, le dfinition de "coles" "Endroit.Cruel.O.Les.lves.Souffrent" et c'est exactement a :oo. Allez on donne un applaudissement au gnie qui a pens a nann mme un mdaille !! :U Anyvayz *100 millnaires plus tards... .*, yew are a kewl guy *u* always a baka that helps me lose 5 pounds each time that we talk cuz I laugh a lot XDD you're dah best guy that I know, EVAH :3, PERIOD. :B (it means for now x))

Letz do a brofist like Finn & Jake *^*

Anna (oui elle a une dollz mais des millions alors jsais pas lequel mettre XD), my other half.

She is my best friend here, we've lasted for 3 years so far, and I hope forevermore, and that we meet each other one day. She is so cute, nice, funny, aweshome, and I could say more but I'm too tired so my

brain isn'tfunctioningwell (sorry Anna teehee). And you know, people say don't talk to strangers, but I'm really, really, glad, no I can't even, right now I remember the word: thankful, that Ohmydollz exists. Tbh, it's possible, that I might not even be standing (or more like writing lol) here without my online friends. They are always there for you, at least real ones, never fight basically, grow closer and closer to each other and blah blah. Anyways what I'm saying is that thank you for existing. <3 I just wish you were less shy so that we could speak to each other on Skype but I understand why you text instead, I mean it's pretty awkward and makes you so shy like even more than oral presentations (AND THERE'S NO ONE EXCEPT US, and maybe FBI who knows tbh, YES IT'S THAT NERVEWRACKING EVEN ALONE) I will always be there for you, and I know you will be for me as well. Screw what our parents think, you a 40 yr old man LMAO.

Raphalle, or my real life angel.

[pas encore fait]


[pas encore fait]

Rebeka or my twin hehe *w*

[pas encore fait]

The word "Sora" is nice don't you think ? It means "Sky" in japanese. But, it can also mean emptiness.The sky isbeautifulbutempty. Same for people.

I believe in Karma, it's basically life's revenge. If you do something bad then you will get something bad in return. Now I accept that we reap what we sow but sometimes I receive it without doing nothing. Or doing something, but compared to other people, is far less worse. Why is the world always a bitch to me ?

The memories made with you seem so far away and hazy... Or were they just a silly dream in the first place ? It's always you and only you that makes me feel confused. Hey tell me, what are WE exactly right now anymore ? Strangers, friends, best friends ?

I like the letter J, it looks a bit like an anchor, or the half of it. An anchor gets thrown in the water, weighs you down and sinks,but the difference betweenme and an anchoris that it's actuallyuseful.

You know, if I could have anything power I want, anything. I would choose time travel, to reverse my mistakes in the past which I regret every day, to see my death and the death of my loved ones, to see when will the future,the worldchange, when life won't be cruel anymore. No one is innocent, no one is an angel, that's why we're human, creatures who lie without a second thought.

If I'm ever gonna get a tattoo, it's gonna be a cloud and 自業自得 (romaji: jigou jitoku) which means "You reap what you sow". A very simple cloud that a 5 year old can draw. And it'll be kinda small, a bit bigger than if you made a circle with your index and thumb, on the back of my neck or near my ankle. Why a boring cloud ? Because it can mean daydreaming, which leads to false expectations, which leads to depression, which leads to loneliness, which leads to suicide. Looking too much into it ? Doesn't make sense ? Logic does not exist here in my Wonderland. And 自業自得 is going to go either on my back vertically or on one of my inner arms. This is to remind me that no matter what happens, you have to accept it. That's life and damn is it a bitch but I can't change the past no matter how much I beg or cry. My tears have already dried, for now.

"If I had one more day to live,

I would tell you how much

I'd miss you."

School used to be aHellfor me. I wanted to get out of school as quickly as possible.

I felt so lonely and useless. By day, a smile, by night, a tear. You have no idea how dear you are to me. I say some shit, but sometimes I'm just joking... I'd never wish to lose you. Unless I'm pissed, but that'll pass after a day. You know it just filled my heart with joy to see you talking with our other friends in some little private meeting each day. While I was here alone, wanting to cry. But I kept the mask on my face and swallowed back my sadness.

Now I only wish those days to come back, when we were stilltogether.

"I'm laughing, I'm crying,

it feels like



Liste d'anime :3


Bucket list♥(majority with friends):

1- Go to a floating lantern festival and a music concert

2-Camp on the beach, build a sand castle, find a pearl (yeah right) and do some beach art

3-Float in the dead sea

4-Organize a sleepover, chill in with buds or be wild, watch netflix, stay up all night, watch the sunset/sunrise, karaoke night, do a dance choreography with friends and game night

5-Halloween party, Christmas party, Surprise bday party, April fools WAR, Murder mystery dinner LOL

6-Visit Japan, Rome, Venice and Paris, learn japanese and latin, go to Ha Long Bay in Vietnam (my country)

7-Go hiking, go to a waterfall, kayak in caves

8-Dye my hair completely or just the roots, one or two small tattoos (a cloud on the back of my neck) (the words自業自得or Jigou Jitoku which is japanese for "You reap what you sow" on my inner arm above the crack of elbow) and get a bikini wax

9-Do all of La Ronde's highest rides

10-Start collection and display, make 100 origami cranes, make resin pieces, try the DIY decor room things on Youtube

11-Mistletoe kiss, caf date, cosplay with bf or bff, kiss in the rain (cheesy things af)

12-Go to a sho.oting range

13-Write a text that can also be read upside down that's meaningful, write a letter to myself in __ years and write a song

14-Workout for that muffin top

15-Do latte art, paint something on ceramic plates or cups, do a beautiful painting with lots of time spent on it and do food art

16-See an eclipse and the northern lights

17-Be famous on Youtube

18-Knit a scarf or something

19-Get an apartement with a friend and get a kitten

20-Go ghosthunting and try the astral project with friends

21-Go to aolor run and do paintball fight

22-Get a massage and mud bath

23-Make homemade makeup

24-Eat molecular gastronomy, go wine tasting and go to an underwater restaurant

25-Organize a "professional" photo sho.ot with friends


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النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
TaylorSwift. ←.CrazyInLove.Anime Romance.Horreur.Comdie.Action. Spaghetti.
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة
Pourpre.B&W.Pastels. Chanteuse.Patissire. Archer. Youtube.Omd.Anime.

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