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Bonjour, est-ce que t'es encore active
27/10/2024 03:20:19

Read all the com'z

mihaja has 4 goodness points.

مغنية (rang 2)

Hello :)
What i like?
Ok,here we have Connor,Tyler,Louis,Zoella,Jim,Marcus,Joe,Alfie and Troye!
British youtubers! They are so funny,they make me laugh so hard :')
That's my babes Youtubers
One again,but Caspar Lee isn't here :(
+Tanya Burr
Next,are a Viners and Youtuber: Magcon boys! They are funny too!Jack G,Jack J,and Shawn are good singers!
NEXT ONE IS Jerome Jarre,he is a viners,French but he lives in the USA!So cute! And so funny! So,in the middle is Jerome.He is with Nash and Camron in the right.
Right know i'm ganna show you a amazing actor from The fault in our stars!
Ansel Elgort (and Shail')
(The fault in our stars,amazing,dramatic,love story,love the book and i will see the movie soon)
Ok,so now MY* bands,singers favorites!
First Picture of sure,ONE DIRECTION! Love them so much it's hurt!omg!
so,Niall,Louis,Zayn,Liam and Harry!
Second picture The Vamps!Tristan,Bradley,James and Connor
Third picture: 5 SECONDS OF SUMER ! They ROCK!
Ashton,Luke,Michael and Calum!
The last picture is The Magcon Boys!
Awn so much bands,singer...
I love Justin,Demi lovato,Ed sheeran,Cher lloyd,Bars and Melody,Fifth Harmony..etc
O2L (Our2ndLife)
Hope you enjoy it babes! Kiss and hugs

جيل جنس مدينة دول
25 سنة إمرأة Lancaster فرنسا
النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
One direction 5SOS All The fault in our stars bacon chips
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة
Red white and black Au pair girl? sing,blogging

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