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Look at you kids with your vintage music
Comin' through satellites while cruisin'
You're part of the past, but now you're the future
Signals crossing can get confusing
It's enough just to make you feel crazy, crazy, crazy
Sometimes, it's enough just to make you feel crazy
You get ready, you get all dressed up
To go nowhere in particular
Back to work or the coffee shop
Doesn't matter 'cause it's enough
To be young and in love
To be young and in love
Look at you kids, you know you're the coolest
The world is yours and you can't refuse it
Seen so much, you could get the blues
But that don't mean that you should abuse it
Though it's enough just to make you go crazy, crazy, crazy
I know, it's enough just to make you go crazy, crazy, crazy 
But you get ready, you get all dressed up
To go nowhere in particular
Back to work or the coffee shop
It don't matter because it's enough
To be young and in love
To be young and in love
Don't worry, baby
Don't worry, baby
And it's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy, crazy
It's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy, crazy
I get ready, I get all dressed up
To go nowhere in particular
It doesn't matter if I'm not enough
For the future or the things to come
'Cause I'm young and in love
I'm young and in love
Don't worry, baby
Don't worry, baby

-Love, Lana del Rey

جيل جنس مدينة دول
27 سنة إمرأة - فرنسا
النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
Lana del Rey Born to Die - -
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة
Bleu Marine - American Horror Story -

© FEERIK GAMES 2015 - إتصل بنا - حسابي - القواعد - How to participate? - 28/03/2025 11:12:11