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~What's Bigfoot's favorite musical part to sing? Hairmony Thursday night votes~! Cook iesez~
30/08/2024 à 18:16:22
~The Hanc o c k County Fair starts tomorrow. If the weather doesn't cool off some (right now it's 92 degrees) and the humidity lowers, we won't be going. : ( Votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~
27/08/2024 à 03:44:18
~My brother Bob's, daughter Jessica, had a 70th birthday party for him and Debbie, Bob's wife. We had a good time. Have a good week~! Love
26/08/2024 à 17:48:32
~Why was the goldfish suspected of murder? She looked fishy! Saturday night votes and warm hugz from Cook iesez~