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dayana179 has 17 goodness points.

Video Game Developer






     lost in a dream






 girls thing | TumblrTumblrFotos da Linha do tempob l o n d





    I'm a princess and i don't want be a queen ! 



Vis ton rêve et ne te réveille jamais...





     There's a part of me , i can't get back , a little girl grew up too fast , all it took was once , i'll never be the same .Now , i'm taking back , my life today , nothing left that you can say , cause you were never gonna take the blame anyway.

   I've got shame , i've got scars , that i'll never show. I'm a survivor , in more ways than you know.

   Cause all the pain and the truth , i wear like a battle wound . So ashamed , so confused , i'm not breaken or bruised.  






  Best Friend it's a promise not a label (Meilleure Amie , c'est une promesse , pas une étiquette) : Beverly <3

I miss you , i need you & i love you <3



Dieu créa l'homme avant la femme car il faut toujours un brouillon avant la perfection !



Life is too short to wake up in the morning with the regrets , so love the people who treat you right , forget about the ones who dont , and believe that everything happens for a reason...




                       Shut up ! you know my name , not my story ! 





 (1) Baili-Hope Chazen | via Facebook



Ne sois pas triste a cause d'une personne qui t'a laissé tomber , sois triste pour elle car elle vient de perdre quelqu'un qui ne l'aurais jamais laisser tomber

the good friends are like stars, you cant always see them, but you know, that they are there.

You know someone is a true friend when you are about to break down and cry , but they will say the stupidest, most random thing just to see you smile !


I'm not like others girls

I changed ? Either that or i just stopped acting the way you wanted.

Heart me

I understand . I just don't care.

Depressed? Earphones in volume up. Ignore the world. 



Smile,  it irritates those who wish to destroy you .


 Roubinet Emma

 Bien plus qu'un sport

photo, olivier, corsan, rugby, féminin, femme, coupe, monde, france, irlande, jean bouin, mayans, agricole, sandrine, marjorie,jessy, tremouliere, safi, n'diaye, djossouvi, koumidba, laetitia, grand,caroline, ladagnous, assa, koita

Résultat d’images pour rugby angleterre

























جيل جنس مدينة دول
27 سنة إمرأة London آخر
النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة

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