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TO PLAY IN A SECURE MANNER: I don't give my password to any other player. I don't swap codes. I never enter my OhMyDollz personal codes on another website.
Thank you for googling it. Brynlee isn't that bad. It's just that kids grow up so fast these days. I love her unconditionally though. I hope you're having a good weekend! Love
25/05/2024 à 23:18:49
Thank you~! Brynlee is almost 13 years old and going on 25 lol She's a doll~! So is her sister, Karlee, who is into softball. The family leaves next Wednesday for Yeda Nationals. (google it)
24/05/2024 à 03:30:39
~Sorry for last night's missed votes. We were attending a junior high school choir concert for Brynlee. They did very well. I was too tired to do any voting. Votes tonight from Cook iesez~
23/05/2024 à 04:15:01
Good for you! ~Day trip: Jolly Rogers for lunch, Port Clinton, Ohio and Lakeside, Ohio Beautiful iris's blooming everywhere. We got a little rained on, but it was a nice day~! I had whitehouse cherry!
21/05/2024 à 17:41:25
Yes ... the A/C worked just fine today. We probably won't turn it off till after Tuesday. Btw ... don't forget the ice cream cone after your or during your ride. Always ice cream~! lol
20/05/2024 à 04:02:35
You sound a lot of like me. We drive around looking at flowering bushes etc. and wild life. Today we're going to test out our A/C and make it's working good. Besides it's going to be*** enough. 88
19/05/2024 à 17:05:44
Thank you for your votes and have a wonderful weekend~!