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babe57 has 27 goodness points.

Guardian of the tree

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On nous dit de se débarasser de tout ce qui est mauvais  pour nous.

Ha !

Et si je me coupe la tête, est-ce que ça ira mieux ?








"Choisis ta voie entre Kurt Cobain et Bouddha, deux façons d'atteindre le Nirvana"







"Because we are a little odd, and we've always appealed to the odd out there, the odd in the world. Our fans and the people like ourselves are a squad that maybe didn't quite feel right hanging out with others. We're a little awkward, a little nerdy, a little different. We found each other and it became a gang." He laughs, looking proud. "And it's a pretty big gang now " -Dave Gahan




<> Captain Fantastic

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