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driin has 21 goodness points.

عارضة أزياء عالمية (rang 2)


       My name is Lorenzo =) 


* [Just think: in s33x.. Mn bodysuit in of worse girl The buddy;)]

ø Lorenzo sea tAlker moé (Lorenzo) *

ø Dorigine:espagnol;)

ø 17 Anné of droguue bientot 18;) *

ø Fete:24aou^t=D ^^ *

ø Célib on the ground) *




Name: Believed in you in it one ??


T " be my life


My anni'v:Le v:Le 24 aout and forget not, offer I presents, codes thank you and votes. =)


As are you at kept silent Lorenzo's wipe(suffer) your foot before entering and admire You and kept silent leave 2, presents, codes and a small note on my qsj and it is on 100.ok?


You put her(it) in comments svp =)


My Objectives : :

Reach : 

200 votes

300 votes

400 votes

5000 votes

600 votes

700 votes

800 votes

900 votes

1000 votes

 Here is if kept silent respect all this he(it) no tarrivera not anything but if you refuse respecters you will have Sarah's message disant: in .........

Hello, further to your offensive comments to ............., you receive a warning. If it had to reproduce, we would reserve the right to block(surround) your account in a temporary or definitive way. Good Game(Set,Play).




Ma dollz concours:




جيل جنس مدينة دول
30 سنة رجل Ottawa كندا
النجم المفضل الموسيقى المفضلة الفيلم المفضل الوجبة المفضلة
Justin Bieber, Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint and Emma Watson That of at the moment =) Twilight ... McDonal's
اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة
Turquoise blue and apple green Singer and Actor Rex, Monk and Alerte Cobra Wii Mario Kart

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