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not-fade-away has 0 goodness points.

ممثلة (rang 3)


Has anyone ever tried to touch more than your body ?





La conscience, c'est le chaos des chimères, des convoitises et des tentations, la fournaise des rêves, l'antre des idées dont on a honte ; c'est le pandémonium des sophismes, c'est le champ de bataille des passions.





It's the start of the end

Surrender the throne

The blood on my hands covered the holes

We've been surrounded by vicious cycles

Are we truly alone?

The scars on your heart are yours to atone

We've been surrounded

Let them sing, let them sing

The deeper you dig, the darker it gets

There's nowhere else for us to go

We live while we learn, and then we forget

We'll never find our way back home

They came like moths to a flame

You live like a house in a hurricane









And if you're lucky - I mean, if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet - the person you love decides to love you back.


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100 سنة إمرأة Strasbourg فرنسا
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اللون المفضل ألعمل الذي احلم به برنامج التلفزيون المفضل ألهواية المفضلة

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