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missbleu93 has 10 goodness points.

عارضة أزياء عالمية (rang 2)


Haters gonna hate, cuz bro, i dont give a single fuck . 

i do whatever the fuck i want to do because im sassy and can't be tamed


oui, je suis capable de bien parler, d'avoir une belle grammaire, mais vous voir frustés à cause de mes rigolades, ça c'est drole.



 Je m'appelle Maé Jolie  comme angelina jolie car on est des soeurs, quoi cest sur on est tellement belles ,serieux essais de nous battre ! mais en fait, battre ma soeur cest facile mais me battre moi ,oullalaaa!!! ça cest un vrai defi, que moi seule suis-je capable de relever car j'ai peur de rien ! juste des araignées, des bateaux, des avions, des poupées, des gars, des chiens, des nouilles, des coccinelles, des WII des Xbox des allumettes, des nuages , des arc en ciel, de la lumiere, du ciel  et du gazon. 



wtf is wrong with all of you


you make me laugh so fucking hard

i just



Lisez si ca vous tente la jvais pas vous oubliger


okok i need to clear everything up because you guys are just fucking retards. I'm doing this in english because that way none of you 10 year old babies who still think I'm being serious will understand. ok do you seriously think im serious. I mean, think. I'm doing this for fun, I try to brighten up all you depressed people's mood, because unlike everyone, I'm not a fucking teenager who actually enjoys a fucking doll game. Oh and what about boys. Do you SERIOUSLY believe that every boy on ohmydollz is a boy? gurl the person you're in a "relationship" with is most probably a fucking girl. I have no problem with you liking shopping and stuff. But I still hardly believe there are boys on here. Another thing that drives me fucking insane, is when people on here put a picture on their profile of fucking acacia clark or brinley whatever the fuck her name is, or like a tumblr girl and they're like "yeah, that's me, don't judge, I know I'm not pretty" NO JUST FUCKING NO. what the hell it's so obvious! it's like putting a picture of justin bieber and be like "oh well that's my brother and my sister is selena gomez not even joking" STFU. That's like fakes. What do you get by lying about your age or name or whatever the fuck you're lying about. Nothing. Nothing at all so can you please all stop being copies of eachother and just tell the fucking truth? You don't need to recreate yourself. If you don't like yourself play sims or something and do whatever the fuck you want. Oh, by the way, you're not a fucking 2 year old baby who's alone and "needs a family" some people actually lived through that and you think it's all fun and games. Yeah, it's not. That shit ain't cute or funny so stop it right there. People who write fanfictions need to reevaluate their life plans and goals because that shit doesn't make any sense. Like no bitch you dont bump into motherfucking zayn malik in a coffee shop like no. I'm sick and tired of everyone all butthurt because I'm fucking joking. I'm actually a really nice person, but some people piss me the fuck off. And saying" cxnne/fxlle/pervese;)/fume/boit" bitch u ain't cool. far from it. being stupid and crazy aren't qualities and you shouldn't brag about it. You look like a thirsty hoe by saying you're a perv. You look desperate by saying you smoke and drink. that's not fun, like have you tried mac n cheese. Oh and don't come whinning to me about love on ohmydollz. we all know you aren't in love, and we all know you're probably in a "relationship" with someone you don't even know who's probably lying about everything. And what the hell are rpgs? roleplays? that shit is just fucking creepy. And I'm sorry, but do you think I give a shit about you being "popular"? Do you know how stupid you sound? Do you really feel higher than everyone else because you're "popular" on a FUCKING 8 YEAR OLDS DOLL GAME? Yeah, stop being an asswhole to the newbies, because remember you were once one as well. And none of you can take a joke or what? Anyway, I'm going to stop right there before I hurt any of you guys' feelings. But that's the truth and you all know it. I'm so done with some of you. I'm out. 




can we talk about the fact that some people actually have the nerves to tell other people to kill themselves. fucking think you dumb piece of shit that person could listen to you and end her/his only life. What the fuck is wrong with the world. Some people are just fucking stupid.


I'm not just saying that, i've been told 3 times to kill myself in the period time of 2 days. Yeah. see where society stands? And all of that because I'm being random and weird? Don't you think that's a bit harsh. For those of you who actually get my humour, thank you, ilyyyy. But geez guys tell me if I'm being mean instead of asking me to kill myself. tbh i'm not trying to annoy anyone, please don't get the wrong idea, I'm trying to be as random as I can and write cute messages on people's walls because that way, maybe it will put a smile on that person's face, and yeah I might hate most people and I might come off as a really emotionless person if you know me in real life, and I pretty much don't talk to anyone, but I'm actually a really nice person, and believe it or not, I care about a lot of things, starting with other people's happiness. 





i was fucking suppose to get my clothes that I ordered online from brandy melville today but guess the fuCK WHAT

IT DIDNT CAME IN TODAY AND ALL DAY I WAS AT SCHOOL LIKE " brandy brandy brandy brandy brandy" it was my goD DAMN MOTIVATION but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and people ask me why i have trust issues is this some kind of A JOKE 

message d'une de mes adorables fans <3 :) 


-- laurianne76 08/01/2011 03:44:35 Supprimer
Signaler (insulte)  
tu es une inspiration pour la planète. J'ai les larmes aux yeux en pensant à ce que tu fais. :') c'est si touchant. P'tit secret: Je fangirl souvent sur toi hehe mais shut ok? <3 bsx.

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