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lapetiteanglaise has 0 goodness points.

عارضة أزياء عالمية (rang 2)

Hello everybody !







I'm Selena, nice to meet you! I live in London!

I'm a bristish teacher and I teach french in High School so I can teach for everyone ! 

I signed on Ohmydollz because I want to help young French to learn English! I have very specific hours, my classes are held on chat and either individually or in groups.





Je m'appelle Selena, enchantée ! Je vis à Londres!

Je suis une enseignante anglaise et j'enseigne le français au lycée, je peux donc enseigner l'anglais qu'importe votre niveau!

Je me suis inscrite sur Ohmydollz car je veux aider des jeunes français à apprendre l'anglais! J'ai des horaires bien précis, mes cours ont lieu sur le tchat et sont soit individuel soit en groupe.






Horaires de cours



Initiation (jamais appris l'anglais) / Inititation (never learn english)

Samedi de 14h à 15h / Saturday from 2PM to 3PM 


Débutant / Beginner

Vendredi de 15 à 16 / Friday from 3PM to 4PM


Moyen/ Average

Vendredi de 16 à 17/ Friday from 4PM to 5PM





Un cours coûte soit un cadeau de mon choix soit un double vote soit un code. / A teach cost a gift of my choice or a double vote or a code.

Il y a des réductions si votre enfant fait plusieurs cours. /There are discounts if your child has several courses. 


Pour plus de renseignements, envoyer moi un message ! For more inffoomations, send me a mail !


Merci! Thanks !



Histoire de la semaine





"The boy who said No"

Sixto Perez lives with his parents and five siblings in a trailer park in La Puente, Calif. Last year , when his father was away from the family working as a migrant farm laborer, Sixto, 12, did odd jobs after school, earning money to buy shoes for his brother and himself.
One day last fall , Sixto was sweeping outside the mini-mart where he worked. A man rode up on a bicycle, flashed a wad of bills and offered him $100 to sell drugs at his school , Los Robles Elementary.
Sixto knew all about drugs from a school program called S A N E(Substance Abus Narticotics Education ), run by sheriff's deputies.Though scared,Sixto told the man ,"I only make twenty dollars a week , but I do it honestly ."Then he ran inside to the store owener,who chased the drug dealer away .
This summer Sixto was honored for his integrity.The sixth-grader,who is bright but has dyslexia,received a $ 500 savings bond from the Banks of California. His mother , Efigenia Perez , looked on with approval.
"That man told my son he was crasy to work for so little money " she said."But I'd rather have him honest."
Denis Hamilton in Los Angeles Time (Reader's Digest nov 1992)


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